Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Update on Matthew "Duh Duh" Bates

Matthew, or also known as “Mr. Techno Dork” (his choice) still continues to bore use with his technical nerdiness. Matt keeps trying to tell us that one day his geekiness will pay off and he’ll rule the world…we just don’t have the heart to tell him that he isn’t programming a “super computer” but rather we are letting him play with our broken microwave. Heaven help us. Matthew…excuse me, Mr. Techno Dork still has made a lot of new friends this year, but unfortunately they are all pictures within People magazine. We are hoping that one of these days he’ll grow out this phase of Neil Diamond and sequence shirts and start listing to some rap or something rowdy or risky. For anyone reading this, he is for sale…NO, he is free to a good home. We'll throw in his palm pilot as a special incentive. Mr. Techno Dork’s advice to the world this Christmas season is:

"No one will really be free until nerd persecution ends."

Referring to People magazine: "If it not real they can't print it."

To truly hock a loogie, one must not retrieve the phlegm from the throat, but from the soul.

Mom: “Matt, you are such a nerd!”
Matt: “I sure am!”

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